Layout: Manuscripts should be written in English and contain no more than 8,000 words or 45, 000 characters with spaces.
Page setup: A4 paper size, 2 cm all margins; title: Cambria Bold, size 12, title case, centered.; 1 empty row (size 12); name of authors using Cambria, size 10, bold, italic, first name title case, last name upper case, centered. The institutional affiliation and postal address follow below, centered; 2 empty rows (10 italic, Cambria).
The abstract: start with the word “Abstract in bold”, followed by the text, not to exceed 200 words. Use Cambria, size 10, left alignment, 1 empty row same font.
Key words: no more than 6 key words written using Cambria, size 10, aligned left, italic; 2 empty rows, same font.
The text uses Cambria, left alignment, size 11. Line spacing 1,15. Headings use Times New Roman Bold, size 11. It is preferred to use the following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods/Data and Methods, Results and Discussion/Results and analysis, Conclusions, References.
The text of tables uses Cambria, regular, size 10. Captions and tiles of tables are left and position above, the source below the table. Figures (graphs, maps) should be aligned left and numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript and referred in the text using Arabic number. The title should be positioned under each figures, followed by source.
Citations in the text should be: Ianoş, 2004. followed by a, b,… when there are more references of an author works published in the same year, e.g. (Ianoş, 2004a, 2004b). Page numbers should be indicated for quotations.
References: should be at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, using Times New Roman, size 10, hanging at 1 cm.
Simion, G., 2008. Geographical Analysis of the Land Fragmentation Process Based on Participatory Mapping and Satellite Images. Case Studies of Ciorogârla and Vânătorii Mici from the Bucharest Metropolitan Area, Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geographies. Vol.2(1), p.83-94.
Cooper, Ch., Fletscher J., Gilbert, D., Wanhill, S., 2004. Tourism-Principles and Practice, Pitman Publishing, Surrey, p. 266.
All material accessed via catalogues online should contained the link and time of virtual connection e.g.: Author(s) name (s), year, Title, Vol., Issue, page and the link, (accessed on 6 September, 2011).
All images must be inserted in text and sent them separately in a good resolution and JPEG or TIF format.
We kindly advise authors with less English proficiency to correct the paper before the submission with a native English speaker.
During the double blind reviewing process, all papers must use MS Word format. The accepted paper will be available only online.
JETA encourages books reviewing, projects, conferences and workshops brief reports.